Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hey everyone... This is my blog site for my 4 weeks in Costa Rica. I will be writing about the trip and posting many many pictures starting next week!


Nancy said...

Hi Steph!! Hope all is well and you have hot water!!

Nancy said...

So glad to hear from you. Sounds amazing. Bunge jumping???? Oh my!!


Stephanie Laser said...

Hey mom! Yep we do have hot water so that is great, but there are a few kids who don't so I guess I got pretty lucky! Ya I can't wait to go bungee jumping and surfing sometime soon!!! Email the blog address to anyone and tell Dad, Jenny, Tom, and Nat I say Hi!

Unknown said...

laser this is so cool. i can't wait to hear about all of your fun adventures. now are you just studying aboard there? or are you doing soccer?



Stephanie Laser said...

Hey Ri!!! It has been way too long since I last saw you!.. Im down here for school and fun, not for soccer at all so its nice, but Im sure I will be playing with the locals soon haha

Anonymous said...

hello lover pants!!!! i love your blog, the pictures are amazing too. i love it that you are blogging about the beer there. miami has taught you well. im glad you are having a blast and these next two weeks cannot go fast enough until i see you!